Thursday, September 29, 2016
Square Brass Tubing: Stylish and Affordable
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Important Traits of Muntz Metal for Fabricators
Thursday, September 22, 2016
3 Innovative Copper Projects for Home Remodeling
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Taking a Closer Look at Bronze
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Engraving Brass: More than Just a Signature but a Classic Work of Art
In the corporate world, an engraved brass that bears your name is a fitting symbol of elevated status or position in any given company. Engraving brass, however, is an art that has been used for centuries by classical artists for decoration and for architectural purposes by enhancing the finishing or brass tubing and surfaces.
While the recent years classified engraving as a simple tool to create personal/company nameplates on brass, modern furniture designers and jewelry makers had seen the immense value of engraving more than just their name on their work.
Metal decoration through time
Art museums are heavy with examples of intricate metalwork and decoration through the ages. As brass is one of the oldest, prettiest, and strongest copper alloys existing on the planet, most of the displays feature a brass artifact that is exhibited with sophisticated engravings on their surface.
Friday, September 16, 2016
The Risks of Using the Incorrect Alloy on Boats: Why Choose Muntz
Boat building is such an intricate profession that everything has to be precise and specific – from body measurements up to the very materials used to build boat. As such, not many building materials in the market can withstand being submerged, in either fresh or saltwater, without getting corroded or decayed in a span of a few months. Since boats are not cheap, it is important that the materials used to build them should have innate physical and chemical properties to guarantee that the boat is durable.
Copper, one of the most naturally occurring metallic elements on the planet, is well-known for its corrosion-resistant properties. However, pure copper is quite expensive. Furthermore, the longer copper is submerged in water, the higher the chance it’ll start leaching and polluting the marine waters.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Why Furniture Designers Should Partner with Sheet Metal Suppliers
Furniture design is such a vast area of expertise that its industry manages to attract the most talented and artistic individuals of the era. As some will probably tell you, designing furniture takes more than a good eye for style, color, and detail but also a sound mind to get those complicated calculations of geometry in order.
With enough talent and drive, almost any material can turn from a boring piece of driftwood or rusty scrap metal into a functional, work of art. However, like any other manufacturing industries, furniture design and making also suffers from lack of initiative to partner up with trustworthy suppliers for source material.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Creative Brass Projects for Fabricators
Copper & Brass Sales Increase as More and More Artisans Go into Action
Some people are addicted to shoe sales while others just can’t get enough clothes in their wardrobe. The more creative ones, however, know how to horde good materials for their next arts and craft project. This is the reason why copper and brass sales are not as uncommon as one might lead you to believe. For artisans, copper and brass are two of the most beautiful and easiest pieces to work with.
Depending on its thickness, temper, and finish, sales of copper & brass varies with the client’s current project. Here are some of the most creative projects you can try undertaking using the beautiful pieces you acquired from hanging out inside metal wholesale supply stores.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Copper Sheet Supplier Discusses How to Buy Sheets for Craft Design
Copper is undeniably one of the most versatile, naturally occurring metallic element on the planet. It even gains the distinction of a unique reddish-gold color in pure form. It can mix with other metallic elements to form a stronger alloy that can, in turn, be used in a wide array of applications.
Its innate malleability and astonishing physical properties made copper a top choice for most artisans, craft designers, architects, and even jewelry makers for their respective projects. Whether you are an amateur or a professional, finding where to buy copper sheets is really the least of your concerns. Understanding how to choose the copper sheet you need to work with is a lot harder.
Pure copper is flexible, ductile, and slightly expensive. Since copper is softer than its alloys, pure copper is the easiest to work with as it can be drawn, stretched, hammered, or rolled without breaking.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Enhance Your Bathroom with Brass Tubing
Bronze, Copper or Brass Tube: Some Considerations for Contractors
While most professional contractors tend to shy away from non-steel metals and alloys due to material costs, choosing either copper, bronze, or brass tube is more beneficial in the long run.
Compared to other popular materials, metal and alloy tubes are stronger, more resilient, and definitely more flexible. You don’t even need to worry about any additional expenses an installation might incur due to accidental breakage or very specific customizations to fit in the tubes.
Why Choose Tubes over Pipes?
An ordinary person can be forgiven in using the terms tubes and pipes interchangeably, though they are mostly wrong for doing so. Any professional will know that there are glaring differences between the two.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Honoring Traditions: The Undisputable Versatility of Brass Sheet Metal
For centuries, societies have always favored scientific and modern advancements in all industries as opposed to doing things as they were. This type of thinking not only pushed civilizations forward but had also opened up novel ways to find solutions for various problems that used to baffle the ordinary citizen.
However, for all the new and supposedly improved tools that are flooding the market, the most talented builders and artisans know that there are certain materials that are simply irreplaceable in their respective trade. After all, there is no material as reliable and as versatile as the good, old-fashioned brass sheet metal to get the job done.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Three Reasons for Choosing Bronze Tubes over PVC Pipes for Water Pipes
Everybody knows building a sturdy home is not cheap. The amount of money a homeowner must spend on such a project is always a factor any responsible contractor should look at. This is why most contractors have become more resourceful in finding quality building materials at reasonable prices. One of the materials they are particularly keen about is water pipes.
Since installation of water pipes can cost a fortune, most choose the cheaper PVC pipes instead of the more durable bronze tubes to reduce overall building costs. While the initial cost savings of PVC plastic is tempting, contractors and homeowners alike should take into account the benefits of using bronze bars and tubes in making a well-made home.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
A Couple of Reasons to Consider Using Brass
Monday, September 5, 2016
Project Directions When Using Brass Angles
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Engraving Brass: An Effective and Economical Way to Make an Impact

As people say, a business without a sign is a sign of no business. Simply put, customers can patronize a business they don’t know about. Thus, how you announce your business’s presence is of utmost importance in attracting customers. And for your money, there are few materials that offer the same impact and budget-friendly price that high-quality engraving brass.
Why Brass?
Brass is a metal alloy produced by the combination of copper and zinc. This union creates a metal that has a lustrous golden sheen that lends a sophisticated look to any business establishment. If you want to add prestige to your storefront without hurting your bottom line, an engraved brass sign or plaque might just be what you need.
Why Muntz Metal Continues to be a Favorite in the Shipping Industry

People have been plying the seas for millennia now, proving that a sense of discovery is a hallmark of the human nature. Without this curiosity to know what lies beyond the shore, Columbus or Magellan would never have discovered the New World. Of course, crucial to this discovery are the ships that explorers use.
As with all technologies, as time went on, people refined the way they constructed ships to make them more cost-effective to build and to improve their seaworthiness. Towards this goal, one metal alloy proved to be breakthrough and continues to be widely used in the shipping industry: Muntz metal.
Muntz Metal 101
Despite its name, Muntz metal isn’t actually its own kind of metal; rather it’s a type of brass alloy. George Fredrick Muntz invented this alloy in 1832 in Birmingham, England by tweaking the copper and zinc content of this brass.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Sheet Metal Suppliers Offer Different Variants: Which Should You Get?

Sheet metal is one of the most common industrial materials known to man. In fact, it’s been used for just about everything, from crafting medieval armor to constructing the fuselage of modern-day airplanes. If a project needs metal that can be easily molded into a desired shape, sheet metal is often one of the choices.
That being said, sheet metal isn’t just a single product--the truth is, sheet metal suppliers offer many variants to choose from. To give you a better idea of these options, below is a quick guide to sheet metal variations:
Hot Rolled Steel
As the name suggests, hot rolled steel is created by passing metal through rollers at temperatures over 1400 degree Fahrenheit. Sheet metal made by this process often has a thickness of around 1/16 inches to 5/16 inches. This variant is ideal for use in automobile wheels, guard rails, doors, and agricultural equipment.
Why Copper and Brass Sales Continue to Rise: A Primer on These Metals

If you’re in the business of fabrication or machining, you probably know that brass and copper are two of the most commonly used metals in the industry. It’s no wonder then, that copper and brass sales continue to remain strong given the many uses these materials have. But what exactly makes them so in demand?
As it happens, these two metals possess many useful qualities that make them indispensable in metalworking. Copper offers many unique benefits that make it ideal for a wide variety of applications:
Corrosion Resistance
Copper sits low on the periodic table’s reactivity series, meaning it doesn’t tend to corrode like other metals. As such, it is ideal for use in plumbing, cookware, radiators, and other applications where constant exposure to fluid is a necessity.
Friday, September 2, 2016
Copper Sheet Supplier Discusses the Many Advantages of Copper Roofing

Most roofing contractors and architectural firms employ tiles or shingles for their client’s roofs. After all, these two are good options for clients who put a premium on functionality and affordability. However, shingles and tiles are far from the only roofing materials that these firms can recommend. As it happens, copper is being used more and more frequently in various roofing projects around the country.
A Primer on Copper Roofing
Copper roofs aren’t anything new, though. In fact, it’s one of the oldest roofing materials, with many historical buildings worldwide sporting a copper dome. Rotax Metals, a longtime copper sheet supplier based in New York, says that most copper roofing start out cold rolled sheets measuring anywhere from two to 10 feet. The method of installing them to roofs differ, but they usually involve fastening cleats to battens or directly to roof decking.
Why Heater Manufacturers Prefer Brass Tube: Exploring Brass’ Benefits

In many parts of the country, a heater is not just a luxury but a necessity. Can you imagine taking a morning shower in the winter without warm water? Of course, a heater is a significant investment for most households, which is why water heater companies design their products for longevity. And when it comes to hot water distribution lines, a high-quality brass tube is often the go-to option for most manufacturers.
Standing Up to the Heat
What makes brass tubing particularly adept at handling hot water? This all boils down to a scientific concept called the Arrhenius Equation. Simply put, this equation states that the higher the temperature in a system, the faster the rate of corrosion will be. More specifically, every 10°C increase in temperature will double the corrosion rate of a given metal. As such, steel pipes are often worn out much faster if used in hot water distribution lines.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
High-Quality Brass Angle Products: Helping Shopfitters Gain an Edge

These days, artists have no shortage of novel materials to use for their work, from Lego pieces, to matchsticks, and even breakfast cereal. But as people often say, classics are often the best. And when it comes to classic materials, you won’t go wrong with bronze.
Getting to Know Bronze
Bronze is an alloy of tin and copper. While there are many possible bronze formulations, the typical ratio is usually 90% copper to 10% tin. Also, if you still remember your high school history class, you probably know that an entire era of prehistory was named after this alloy, speaking of its long history of usefulness to humans. Discovered largely by trial and error, bronze would also become a commonly used material for artists because of its rare properties.
Why You Should Use Bronze Bars and Sheets for Your Next Masterpiece

These days, artists have no shortage of novel materials to use for their work, from Lego pieces, to matchsticks, and even breakfast cereal. But as people often say, classics are often the best. And when it comes to classic materials, you won’t go wrong with bronze.
Getting to Know Bronze
Bronze is an alloy of tin and copper. While there are many possible bronze formulations, the typical ratio is usually 90% copper to 10% tin. Also, if you still remember your high school history class, you probably know that an entire era of prehistory was named after this alloy, speaking of its long history of usefulness to humans. Discovered largely by trial and error, bronze would also become a commonly used material for artists because of its rare properties.