Monday, November 28, 2016
A Little Goes a Long Way with Square Brass Tubing
Friday, November 25, 2016
Biofouling 101
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Brass Tubing: Know Its Various Applications and Unique Properties

Denoted by international standards as Copper Alloy 356, brass is recognized in many industries for its multitude of functions. It is comprised of about 62% copper, 36% zinc, and smaller amounts of lead. Unlike other metals, brass exhibits a rich brown hue that makes it an ideal material for decorations and more.
Where Brass Is Used
Brass has a high machinability; it can easily be manipulated to form your desired shape or style. For crafters who are skilled at engraving brass, this metal is often added onto medals, plaques, trophies, and name plates. Even with simple hand tools, one can easily etch designs onto the metal. This post originally appeared on blog page.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Impressive Attributes of Muntz Metal: How It Helps Shape the World

In the mid-1800’s Englishman Frederick Muntz pioneered an alloying procedure that developed a metal that is more resistant to marine environments. Now recognized as Muntz Metal, this variant is denoted by modern international standards as Alloy C280. The composition of this metal is 60% copper and 40% zinc, with slight traces of iron.
Where Muntz Metal Is Used
This alloy has been observed to hold up excellently against marine wear and tear. It is used for the cladding of hulls or bottoms of boats. Being an alloy of copper, Muntz Metal is also categorized as a biocide, which stunts or prevents the growth of pests and other microorganisms. Specifically, shipworms or teredo worms are kept at bay, and they are unable to latch on to ship bottoms and cause the material to decay while at sea. Post originally appeared on blog page.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Sheet Metal Suppliers Provide You with Materials for Your Every Need

One can always find design inspirations when using copper, bronze, or brass. These versatile metals have been around for centuries, forming the backbone of many industries. To date, these materials are used in renewable energy, laboratory and farming technology, and more. Whatever shape or size these metals come in, they are there to further improve the quality of life for all.
Copper Sheets
Sheet metal suppliers offer copper in a wide range of gauges or thicknesses. Most of these sheets are made of 99.9% copper, and they are also identified by their international standard name as Alloy C110. Copper in this form is easy to form and bend into any shape, and it is ideal for kitchen design elements like countertops and backsplashes. Copper sheets are also used in making tiles, different kinds of cookware, as well as gutters. Read more from this blog.
Monday, November 21, 2016
5 Surprising Facts about Copper
Copper and Brass Sales: A Look at their Purposes in Various Industries

The introduction of the use of metals like copper and brass has become a turning point in the development of the world as it is today. In almost every facet of life, these metals have played vital roles, and to date, even better uses for them are constantly being discovered. Below are some of the functions of copper and brass, and how they have helped improve the quality of life for many.
Technology for Renewable Energy
Because more applications are being found, there is a noted increase in the trends for copper & brass sales around the world. For one, copper’s excellent electrical properties have made it a vital component in wires and circuits of photovoltaic cells in solar panels. Read more on blog page.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Find the Right Uses for Your Material from a Copper Sheet Supplier

By international standards, copper sheets are given the name Alloy C110, and it is sometimes denoted as electrolytic tough pitch (ETP) copper. This is the purest form of copper in the market, with a composition of 99.9% of the element. Among the most notable properties of this metal is its high thermal and electrical conductivity, malleability, ductility, and extreme resistance to stress.
If you check the inventory of a copper sheet supplier, you will usually find these sheets sold in varying gauges. These may be from a range of as thin as 0.15 inches, or as thick as 0.75 inches. Standard widths of each copper sheet may be 36 inches to 48 inches. Depending on the project, fabricators and designers may even hammer down the sheets to achieve the pliability they need. This post originally appeared on blog page.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
The Special Properties and Environmental Impacts of the Brass Tube

Alloy C272, also called yellow brass, is a metal that exhibits properties that fit just about any industry. Chemically, the composition of yellow brass is approximately 63.5% copper plus 39.5% zinc. While it offers the same attractive sheen as gold, the material is more robust and not as expensive, thus making it versatile for a multitude of projects. Alloy C272 can be sold in the form of square brass tubing, as well as other cross-section shapes like hexagons, rectangles, and the traditional round tube.
Different Applications
Brass tubes are known to have a very high thermal conductivity, nearly 50% as efficient as pure copper. For this reason, tubes or pipes made from this alloy are often installed on heat exchangers for radiators as well as parts for refrigeration and other cooling machinery. Post originally appeared on blog page.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Highlighting the Properties, Advantages, and Uses of Brass Sheet Metal

Brass sheet metal can be found in nearly every aspect of the home. For builders, renovators, and designers, brass has become a viable option compared to pure copper or bronze, as it is just as resilient, but at a more affordable price.
Types of Brass Sheet Metal
Brass sheet metal suppliers categorize the different types of brass based on the alloy names, which are determined via international metal standards. For instance, Alloy C260 is cartridge brass and it has 70% copper and 30% zinc; while Alloy C464 or Naval brass, 60% copper with 40% zinc (and a trace amount of tin for corrosion resistance). Read more on this article.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The Wide Range of Uses and Characteristics of Bronze Bars and Tubes

During the Bronze Age, man was able to improve his quality of life by transforming bronze to suit his needs. Today, bronze continues to serve society in terms of architecture, engineering, interior design, and many other fields. It truly has become an alloy of high value.
Depending on the copper to zinc ratio, there are different kinds of bronze, often referred to by their common name and alloy number. Architectural bronze, which is denoted as Alloy C385, is made of 57% copper, 40% zinc, and about 3% of lead. Bronze bars are often built from this tough alloy. Read more from this blog.