
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Utensils Made from Bronze Sheet Metal Make a Great Addition to Your Kitchen Paraphernalia

Unsurprisingly, the kitchen can be the dirtiest place in your home. That is if you fail to clean it thoroughly after every use. Leftovers and excess water on your table and countertop are the favorite hangout of bacteria. They also attract rats and roaches that might carry diseases into your home.

Sometimes, bacteria can thrive on the surfaces of poorly cleaned utensils. This is particularly alarming considering that these are items your family use on a regular basis. Fortunately, utensils that are made of copper alloys such as bronze have certain antimicrobial properties, which can help kill bacteria naturally.

Why Use Bronze Utensils

Bronze is one of the few metals that are capable of producing the oligodynamic effect, a force that can kill bacteria. An alloy of copper and tin (both oligodynamic metals), it is widely used for a huge array of applications, including the manufacture of musical instruments and springs, bearings, and bushings in electric motors. Today, it is regaining popularity as a material for kitchen utensils, including cookware. Read more from this article:

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