
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Muntz Metal: Anti-Fouling and Anti-Corrosive Properties

There was a point in history where metallurgy was considered as a form of sorcery. After all, combining metals to create a tougher material was the closest thing to magic back then. Today, however, combining metals is a common process, let alone a thriving industry. Metallurgy is responsible for the creation of hundreds of types of alloys that now make technological advances possible.

Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, is one of the first metals that have greatly benefited from the craft of metallurgy. With over 60 variations, it is a widely tested and utilized metal, probably present in all kinds of modern-day machines and structures. Its oldest and most popular variant is Muntz metal.

What Is Muntz Metal?

Two centuries ago, boats and ships are designed and built with an ordinary copper-plated bottom. While typical copper has an excellent anti-corrosion property, it is highly susceptible to fouling, the accumulation of unwanted materials on solid surfaces, which affect functionality and stability. As such, maintaining the exterior surface of vessels was difficult. Read more from this article:

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