
Friday, August 25, 2017

Sculptures Made of Bronze Tube Makes a Comeback in Modern Art

Despite the fact that sculptures made primarily out of bronze is not a modern idea, it’s certainly regaining its old status in the modern art world as primary material for sculptures. Current bronze prices are making most of the country’s artisans re-think their choice of base material for their next masterpiece.

The Shift: From Bronze to Stone, and Back Again

Though bronze still holds the crown for the most popular material for cast metal sculptures, its use as primary material for sculptors has decreased over the years as the majority of these visual artists choose stone, ceramic, and more recently, resin to compensate. The main reason for the shift was the increasing world market price for copper, which is the primary component of bronze.

While it is true that the price of copper has not changed much in recent years, experts have argued that bronze prices shouldn’t be affected much by copper’s off-the-shelf prices, but are subjected to price shifts in scraps which are mostly dictated by its point of manufacture. This means the price of a single bronze tube is relatively independent from the current copper price. Read more on this blog:

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