
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Design Firms Turn to Mixed Metals for 2016

Interior and architectural designers are always on the lookout for something refreshing to spruce up their work. Therefore, it is important for them to have access to the best and most reliable materials they can get.

When it comes to decorating interiors or exteriors—whether it be for a residential or commercial space—it’s not just the color designs and fashion-forward themes that matter. Style must be balanced with practicality and functionality as well. After all, what good is a pretty house if it isn’t ergonomic and usable?

The Year of the Mixed Metals

Design industry experts have named various metallics and metals to be in demand this year—not just as individual materials, but also as a mixed component. Variation is also expected to be big this year, and its aesthetic appeal lies in breaking monotonous, one-layered designs. Adding mixed metals to a room can give it both character and a refreshing change from the typical uniformed look.

Brass, for example, is versatile enough to be mixed and matched with iron, copper, and silver. From brass rods to sheets or angles, designers recognize just how much they can do when working with this metal. That’s why they tend to gravitate to this metal—especially when the client’s order is to get a place looking shiny and expensive without actually costing like one.

The best thing about using metals for design: they are a sure way to elevate the feel and aesthetic of any room, easily switching it up from drab to fab.

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